
Lift Heavy Now, Run Faster Later—Here’s How

Dear runner, the sooner you realize that strength training and running go hand in hand, the quicker you’ll improve your performance. While many runners tend to avoid strength work, it’s so essential to your stride that many coaches don’t even think of it as cross-training. Instead, they view it as a necessary part of training that athletes need in order...

Veganism and the Environment — How to Eat Sustainably This Veganuary

You might think veganism and the environment go seamlessly hand in hand. But Veganuary, in which people pledge to go plant-based for the entire month of January, isn’t necessarily the greener eating regime that many automatically assume it to be.

Although cutting down on animal products is better...

How to Make Lifestyle Changes for Your Family

The holiday season will be gone before we know it, which means we’ll tuck away the cookie tins and gravy boats and prepare ourselves for the season of self-restraint and suppression. In other words, New Year’s Resolutions centered around diet and exercise. And it’s no secret that diet companies and gyms are eager to reinforce shame about our bodies...

The Best Way To Keep Your Memory Sharp At Any Age

We can all relate to that one cringe-worthy memory keeping us up at 3 AM. Memories can be annoying; they pop into our minds at the most random of times, and often remind us of occasions and people we would rather forget. Still, it's safe to bet that no one would want to do away with their memory entirely. After all, what are we if not the sum total of our memories?

7 Gym Etiquette Rules, Straight From Fitness Experts

Going to the gym for the first time can be intimidating. There's a lot of equipment, a lot of people, and a lot of expectation. Working out at the gym doesn't need to be scary, though, especially if you're prepared. One of the best ways to feel more confident in the gym is to brush up on gym etiquette before you go. These unwritten rules for how to act at the gym...

5 Ways the Pandemic Has Improved Our Relationship with Food

It's 5 p.m. on who-can-tell-which day, and instead of rushing from work to kids' activities, I'm unpacking a box of produce while my 7-year-old peels carrots beside me.

Rather than grab what we can from the fridge on the way...

Return to Running and Exercise Slowly if You’ve Had COVID

If you’ve missed days of running because of having COVID-19, you might be tempted to make up for lost time by rushing back into training. Not so fast, according to new research that suggests doing so could significantly increase your injury risk...

For a study published in Sports Health, researchers surveyed...

What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating Meat Again?

I've waffled back and forth between vegetarianism, veganism and an omnivore diet for almost my entire life, but I've definitely spent the majority of my adult life eating a plant-based diet. Whether this decision was influenced by my yoga habit, a lean grocery budget while I lived in New York City, environmental reasons or animal welfare consciousness...

How to Start the Mediterranean Diet — Meal by Meal

Considered one of the healthiest diets in the world, the Mediterranean way of eating cuts processed foods and red meats, focusing instead on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, healthy whole grains and extra-virgin olive oil.

Eating this way has been shown to reduce the risk for diabetes...

The Best Way To You Check Your Blood Pressure At Home, According to Cardiologists

If your blood pressure is top-of-mind right now, you're not alone. Nearly half of adults in the United States have high blood pressure, a condition that puts them at risk for developing heart disease and stroke. A recent study published by the American Heart Association found that blood pressure rates rose among middle-aged American adults...

Showing 121 to 130 of 682 (69 Pages)