
What to Say to People Who Push Food on You During the Holidays

It's safe to say at this point that yoga is more than a flash in the wellness pan or yet another fleeting fitness fad. After all, this ancient practice combining precise physical poses, deep breathing, and mental focus dates back over 5,000 years! If people have been practicing yoga for that long...

Experts Settle the Debate: Is It Better to Work Out in the Morning or at Night?

I don't know what's worse: the alarm blaring at 5 a.m., filling me with workout dread, or the anxiety that tends to creep in at the end of the day after I've failed to squeeze in some exercise. I love working out, but sometimes it's so hard to find that sweet spot in the day to get it done. Plus, there's a lot of debate about what time of day is most effective...

How to Know When Appetite Loss Is the Sign of Something Serious

Meals can be motivating. (Raise your hand if you're one of the many people who get through long work days by day-dreaming about your next meal.)

But some days, you just can't muster up the hunger to eat even your favorite meal. Why is it that on some days you feel like you could eat another lunch and then some days you can barely make it through half a lunch?

5 Major Improvements You'll See From Doing Yoga Every Day, Says Science

It's safe to say at this point that yoga is more than a flash in the wellness pan or yet another fleeting fitness fad. After all, this ancient practice combining precise physical poses, deep breathing, and mental focus dates back over 5,000 years! If people have been practicing yoga for that long...

Why Getting Outside for a Walk in The Cold is Worth The Effort

Not to brag, but I’m super good at walking. Not putting one foot in front of the other, though I manage that just fine, but at getting out there every day. My husband and I walk for about 25 minutes every morning — in the snow, in the rain, and even on Sundays when we stayed up late the night before...

Eating Habits to Avoid If You’re Pre-Diabetic, Says Dietitian

Upwards of 30% of Americans are considered pre-diabetic, and most of them don't even know it.

Prediabetes occurs when blood sugar is elevated, but not high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Blood sugars can hang out in the prediabetes range for years before being detected. You can assess your risk through the American Diabetes Association Risk Test...

How to Walk Properly: 6 Tips to Fix Your Walking Form

Walking is one of the most accessible and all-around good-for-you exercise programs you can implement. Not only is it easy to throw on a pair of walking shoes and head out the door, but this straightforward form of low-impact cardiovascular exercise works your heart, lungs, legs...

Eating Habits to Avoid For a Better Immune System

For many people, the scariest thing about winter approaching isn't the thought of digging out those snow boots and braving the increasingly bitter weather: it's the return of cold and flu season. While washing your hands thoroughly, avoiding crowds, and steering clear of anyone you know to be sick can all help reduce your risk of coming down with something...

5 Steps to Create a Habit, According to Science

Most of us assume those hyper-achievers who are always able to squeeze in their workout, eat healthy foods, ace their exams and pick their kids up on time must have superhuman self-control. But science points to a different answer: What we mistake for willpower is often a hallmark of habit...

30 Minutes of Intense Exercise in the Cold Can Cause Lung Strain and Wheezing

Colder weather is perfect for winter sports like skiing, snowshoeing, or even snowy runs. But when temperatures drop below 30 degrees, it may be time to scale back the intensity, according to Michael Kennedy, professor of kinesiology, sport, and recreation at the University of Alberta...

Showing 191 to 200 of 682 (69 Pages)