
3 Herbs and Spices That Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure, According to Science

High blood pressure is one of the seven largest contributors to our overall risk profile for the #1 cause of death in the United States: heart disease.

You're probably familiar with the advice to eat less sodium and more potassium if you're seeking the best blood pressure-lowering diet, but salt isn't the only flavor element that can impact your ticker...

Is Olive Oil Healthy, Really?

In recent years, olive oil has caused quite the buzz — and for good reason. The golden liquid is a major part of the Mediterranean diet, which has repeatedly earned the title of "Best Diet Overall" by U.S. News & World Report. But is olive oil truly healthy? And what can it do for the body? Ahead, experts break down the health benefits of olive oil...

The Worst Self-Care Habits That Destroy Your Immunity, Experts Say

Life moves pretty fast. On a day-to-day basis, the average adult constantly juggles a delicate routine of balancing work, play, and everything in between. Consequently, many among us feel we just don't have the time to properly practice self-care.

That trend may be in the process of changing, however...

Hate Strength Training? You’re Not Alone—Here’s How To Make It More Enjoyable

We’ve all been working out at home a lot more—no surprise there. What started as a means of survival while our beloved boutiques were closed has since become a fixture in our everyday lives. But that doesn’t mean working out at home comes without its flaws. In fact, some things are genuinely difficult to do at home. Chief among these? Strength training workouts...

How to Navigate Those Uncomfortable Questions at Your Holiday Dinner Table

While there's often an expectation of joy, love and togetherness during the holiday season, for many families "holidays are much more complicated" and can "highlight complex family dynamics," says Liz Kelly, a licensed clinical social worker with Talkspace...

3 Simple Tips to Enjoy The Holidays Without Derailing Your Fitness Goals

You don't have to worry about seasonal celebrations derailing your fitness, according to Mike Matthews, founder and CEO of the fitness and supplement company Legion Athletics and host of the fitness podcast Muscle for Life.

Taking some time to enjoy festivities is a good thing, he said, and it's unlikely to undo any hard-earned progress toward your goals...

Here’s What Asthma Symptoms Really Feel Like During an Attack

To get an idea of what it’s like to live with asthma symptoms, try this the next time you meet your friends for happy hour: Instead of tossing the skinny cocktail straw that comes with your drink, try breathing through it. That’s right. Shake it dry, bring it to your mouth, and use it to inhale and exhale for two full minutes—the duration, give or take a few seconds...

5 Lat Workouts You Can Do at Home for a Stronger Back and Arms

Unlike your arms, legs, or even glutes, your lats generally don’t get their own "day" in a training cycle. But it’s totally worth carving out some time to focus on strengthing these muscles, which run down the sides of your back, starting just below your armpits, because they are involved in so many exercises. "Even if the lat isn’t the primary mover, almost...

Here's What Runners Need to Know About IBD

Do you or a runner you know suffer from inflammatory bowel disease? It’s likely, considering about 3.1 million adults in the United States suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We talked to Sophie M. Balzora, M.D., gastroenterologist...

How to Choose Between HIIT and Steady Cardio Workouts

High intensity interval training packs a hard workout into a short period of time, which makes it sound like it should be an efficient, superior way to work out. But HIIT doesn’t have as many advantages as we’re led to believe, and often steady-state cardio is the better option. Let’s look at a few factors to keep in mind when you’re choosing what kind...

Showing 201 to 210 of 682 (69 Pages)