
Can’t Stick With a Fitness Routine? Follow These 5 Steps

If you haven’t exercised in awhile or find yourself skipping planned workouts — it’s time to rethink your fitness routine. Figuring out a workout schedule can be daunting, especially since it’s not one-size-fits-all.

The most effective schedule for one person may not...

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D for Winter? If Not Here’s How to Fix This

Vitamin D is often referred to as the sunshine vitamin, and is the vitamin which helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in your body. This in turn keeps our bones, teeth and muscles in good condition, not forgetting that it is really beneficial for protecting your immune system too.

So what happens when the winter months creep in...

Do You Have High-Functioning Anxiety? 8 Tips to Dial Down Stress

To your family, friends and coworkers, you might appear as if you have it all together. You perform well at your job, your kids look happy and healthy, and your household seems like it’s running smoothly. But underneath that seemingly successful exterior, you might have a lot of anxiety.

That’s called high-functioning anxiety, and while it...

This Is How Long You Should Wait to Exercise After Eating

Food is meant to give your body energy, including fuel for a workout. Depending on how much and what you eat, you could sabotage your fitness routine. So just how long should you wait to workout after a meal?

Previous reported by Men's Health, eating too soon before a workout could give you stomach problems, while eating too far in advance will leave you feeling too unfueled to finish your workout strong...

5 Simple (Yet Brilliant) Tricks to Stop Touching Your Face So Much

Today, you likely rubbed your eyes, scratched your nose, wiped away a crumb from your mouth, or smoothed over your temples—or something in between. In fact, today, you likely touched your face dozens, if not hundreds of times, without even realizing it. And now's as good a time as any not only to become more aware of how often you touch...

How Well You Sleep Matters More Than How Much You Sleep

Most of us have heard the saying that healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Yet when it comes to the sleep that we bank, quality often trumps quantity. While getting the recommended number of hours of sleep per night might seem like enough to keep our physical and mental wellness in check, how well we actually sleep...

Sweating Is Healthy, but Are You Sweating Too Much?

We all sweat—and for good reason. The body produces sweat to help regulate body temperature, and sweating can be caused by "changes in your body temperature, the outside temperature, or your emotional state," explains dermatologist Corey L. Hartman, MD, founder and medical director of Skin Wellness Dermatology in Birmingham, Ala., and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the University...

I Tried Adopting the Eating Habits of the Longest-Living People on the Planet

Now and then, I'll hear that a member of my community has celebrated their 100th-plus birthday. Following my initial awe, I immediately wonder how. Food? Lifestyle? Genetics? All of the above?

In the process of researching healthy habits that promote longevity, I came across areas around the world known as the Blue Zones...

The Best Eating Habits to Fight Inflammation

Inflammation. It's an essential process our bodies undertake to heal from injury and illness; however, it can become disastrous when chronic. When your body is in a state of chronic inflammation—commonly caused by a poor diet, stress, or lifestyle habits like smoking—it can lead to cellular damage along with an increased risk of weight gain, heart disease, and inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis...

8 Foods Cardiologists Try to Avoid

Cardiologists see firsthand what a bad diet can do to your heart.

More than 600,000 people die of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. every year — the leading cause of death for both men and women, according the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

Showing 241 to 250 of 682 (69 Pages)