
8 Healthy Plant-Based Snack Ideas You’ll Actually Want to Eat

America is home to snack packs and snack-sized candy bars and resealable plastic bags sized for snacking. We love to snack.

While it's nothing new, between-meal nibbling is on the rise. From 2015 to 2020, Americans went from having 505 snacking occasions per person each year to 530, based on a recent report on U.S. eating patterns...

What Is Muscular Endurance—And How Can You Improve Yours?

Ever wondered how some people can run marathons without killing their quads? Or hold a perfect plank for minutes on end? Or even just deep-clean the bathroom without their arms cramping up? The answer is simple: muscular endurance.

Muscular endurance is an important component of fitness that impacts your workouts and overall quality of life...

How to Avoid Injury When You Return to the Gym

Returning to the gym after a long time off is a strange feeling. You’re either weaker than before, or you’re fit in a different way (maybe you didn’t lift while your gym membership was on pause, but you ran a lot), yet you still remember your old weights, your old paces, your old routines.

Hopping back in as if you never left is a recipe for disappointment...

10 Things Experts Need You to Know About Maca Powder

Fatigue, low-libido, even depression—if you've been feeling off in the new post-Covid world, you're not alone.

A year of quarantining and trying to avoid (or recover from) the coronavirus has left many people feeling off their peak, and looking for natural remedies to recapture their old selves again...

What Is Processed Meat and Is It Bad for Your Health?

Processed meat is as American as baseball, a game where, incidentally, you'll usually find processed hot dogs draped in cheese sauce (also processed).

"Processed red meat differs from fresh red meat in that it's been cured, salted, smoked, canned, or treated with preservatives," says Lisa Andrews, a registered dietitian and owner of Sound Bites Nutrition in Cincinnati...

Following This Diet Could Help Prevent Alzheimer’s, New Study Suggests

Mediterranean diet — one that is rich in fish, vegetables and olive oil — may help ward off Alzheimer’s disease, a new study suggests.

An analysis of brain scans from more than 500 older adults revealed that seniors who consumed a Mediterranean diet were less likely to display brain shrinkage and high levels of the abnormal proteins...

What Going for a Morning Walk Does to Your Body, Says Science

It's simply a fact that how we start the day sets the tone for the hours to come. Whether you find it easy to hop out of bed first thing in the morning or routinely struggle by hitting the snooze button, you should consider adding a morning walk to your schedule. After all, getting out at first light for a brisk walk will do wonders for your energy levels...

Why Getting a Good Night Sleep Is Critical to Keeping Inflammation Under Control

For a great many Americans—some estimates put the figure as high as 70 million—getting a good night's sleep is just a dream, alas. The reality, according to survey after survey, is that the number of hours we spend sleeping has been shrinking in recent years. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this collective dearth of sleep is currently at epidemic proportions...

Surprising Side Effects of Drinking Lemon Water, Say Dietitians

With temperatures heating up around the U.S., drinking water to avoid dehydration is more important than ever. And if you're looking to make your average glass of water a whole lot more delicious, adding a squeeze or a slice of lemon to your water is a simple way to make that beverage a whole lot more enjoyable. However, flavor isn't the only thing that...

Side Effects of Giving Up Dairy, According to Science

Many years ago, I decided to give the Whole30 diet a try. In a nutshell, this food elimination plan challenges you to cut out gluten, dairy, alcohol, refined/added sugars, and legumes for—you guessed it—thirty days. The goal is to slowly reintroduce these food groups back into your diet to see how your body responds, hopefully alerting you to sensitivities...

Showing 611 to 620 of 682 (69 Pages)